Sunday, July 6, 2008

Still Awaiting the Next Stage of This Adventure

So, I decided to take a cue from Melissa and distract myself from being 41 weeks pregnant (apparently no one told the baby he/she had a 40 week deadline) by creating this blog. The picture is of me before I sailed right on past the due date. I think I probably don't look as happy now.

I figure this blog will also help us keep grandparents up to date after the baby has decided to show him/herself. We'll be able to post a report of the baby's first camping trip at two weeks old... just kidding... we'll wait until he/she is three weeks old at least!

I guess for now we'll just wait and occasionally wander into the nursery and look around, wondering when this room will be occupied, and try, try, try to enjoy these last hours of quietude - that's what all the been-there-done-thats advise, anyway.

So today we perused the Berkeley Springs Farmers' Market, buying up eggs, peaches, blueberries, cherries, and zucchini (PJ insisted we add at least one vegetable). I love our farmers' market. Then we took Seamus to the C&O Canal for a walk and some stick chasing into the Potomac River. The water felt great on my swollen feet, and Seamus got a great workout swimming against the strong current.

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